Training - Coaching - Consultancy

Nederland - Singapore

Vanaf 1995!


Digne Consult bestaat vanaf 1995 in Nederland en sinds 2007 in Singapore.

Digne Consult is een netwerkorganisatie. Naast een vaste kern van partners worden professionals/zzp-ers ingezet die hun sporen verdiend hebben in specifieke thema- en organisatieontwikkelingen.
Menswaardigheid, vernieuwing en ‘samen werken’ zijn onze drijfveren!


Digne Consult B.V. was first established in The Netherlands in 1995 and in 2007 we also started in Singapore. We work with many partners, professionals and specialists in all industries.

Working together, sharing together and growing together is important to us!
We are motivated by creativity & innovation!

Graag ontwikkelen wij maatwerk trajecten die aansluiten op de vraag van uw medewerkers, teams en organisatie waarbij doelstelling en gewenste resultaten centraal staan.

Onze expertise:

  • productiviteit (bv omgaan met werkdruk)
  • cultuurverschillen
  • generatieproblematiek 
  • stress, vitaliteit en duurzame inzetbaarheid
  • persoonlijke ontwikkeling en employability
  • teamontwikkeling
  • leiderschap
  • organisatieveranderingen 


    From our consultation sessions with you, we develop tailor-made programme that integrate your organisation’s goals with the demand of your employees, teams and organisation.

    We are experts in:

    • productivity (e.g. dealing with work pressure)
    • cultural differences
    • multi – generation issues
    • stress, vitality and sustainability
    • personal development and employability
    • team development
    • leadership   
    • organisation changes

Team Nederland - Singapore

Jacqueline Weesie
To make your dreams come true, I gladly support you, both in your work and in your life. Connect with your passion and give meaning to your work/life with all your heart and soul.

Frank Kuijsters

I gladly give people insight on how they can take responsibilities for their own future by focusing positively on their opportunities and capabilities.
Ivo Boelens

I like to get you moving and encourage you to show personal leadership and take ownership. I do this with trust and respectful confrontation

Arthur Pop
I like to put you in your power to increase your grip on your future by turning your obstructive beliefs into action. With humour, dedicated and in a creative way.

Cees Jan Buurman

My mission is helping employees improving work climate in companies and organisations. Because only when people feel psychologically safe they take ownership for change.
Amber Teterissa
I am able to open your eyes to see the choice that you have each time you come to a cross road. Improvisation, confrontation, honest, daring, vulnerable and connected are my key words.

Bouke Bouma

Build your life and work on your motives and what you find important.
I am curious about your interpretation!
would like to support you to further optimise this.

For you?

We welcome highly skilled senior professionals!!


We werken met diverse organisaties uit verschillende sectoren; beursgenoteerd, privé en (semi) overheid. Sommige van onze klanten zijn:

We work with many different organisations across industries; listed, private, and (semi) governmental. Some of our clients include:

Anglo American, ASML, Brabant Water, Booking.com, Boomuitgevers, Bodega Veneta, Coach, Delta Marine Consultants, Eigen Haard, Esa-Estec, Franklin Templeton Investments, Fonterra, GasTerra, GlaxoSmithKline, Gemeente Den Bosch-Waddinxveen-Buren-Tilburg-Heusden-Heerde, HCS, HE-Space, Hudson, HvA, ING, Johnson&Johnson, Lexence, Mercedez-Benz, Mapei, NXP, McKinsey, Nysingh Advocaten-Notarissen, Oasen, Océ-a Canon company, Princes, ProRail, RioTinto, ROC Rivor, Royal HasKonig DHV, Seaway 7, TNO Delft, TU, UWV, Tata Steel, Teijin Aramid, Vale

Neem contact op!

Nederland - Singapore

Digne Consult
's Gravelandseweg 86-26
1217 EW Hilversum
The Netherlands
T: + 31355318288